April 27, 2023, 6:30-9:00pm (It’s on a Thursday this time)

Host: Urban Workshop – 365-A Clinton Street, Costa Mesa, CA 92626

Join us for our next MFOC Meetup! These events help bring the maker community together to share, learn, and make together. We are excited to have Jim DiNunzio walk us through getting started with robotics. From a budget of just $25 all the way up to $2000+, there are options for everyone. Find out how Jim built “Big Orange” and what he has achieved with his robot.

About Jim DiNunzio

I’m a career Software Engineer but discovered a passion for hobby level robotics in 2015. I was inspired by RSSC to learn, tinker, and build my own robots. Its incredible leaders tirelessly put time in to educate members on the many difficult disciplines and detail involved in this craft. Together we form a strong community of like minded enthusiasts who help each other to keep improving our trade. I served as President in 2021 and Vice President for a few years.

Ask me about big orange!”

Prizes: (2 winners) Raspberry Pi Pico

Curious about the Prusa MK4?

Our friend and fellow maker Dom (@geektoybox) is going to bring his Prusa MK4 for anyone that wants to have a peek at the new printer.

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